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#   Janosik & Halanych (2013) outgroup species
#   Antarctic invertebrates
#   PI: K. Halanych (Auburn U)
#   version: 2016-12-27
#     NOTE: These dat2 of Janosik & Halanycble ) Mar Biol. DOI 10.nych (20137/s00227-012-2136-x
#     NO0227-012-2136-x
#     NOTE: Several accession numbers were corrected: EU72938 changed to 16Sged to AF217382; 16S-DQ297to AF217382; 16S-DQ297084 and 16S-DQ2917113 were switched [BCO-DMO]
taxon                      reference                  NCBI_accession                link_NCBI_accession  
Bathybiaster loripes       Clarke & Johnston 2003     16S-EU072937                  16S-EU072937  
Chaetaster moorei          Bell 1894                  16S-EU072938                  16S-EU072938  
Crossaster papposus        Clark & Downey 1992        16S-DQ297084, COI-AF217383    16S-DQ297084, COI-AF217383  
Luidia foliolata           Fisher 1911                16S-EU072952, COI-HM473924    16S-EU072952, COI-HM473924  
Mediaster aequalis         Fisher 1911                16S-EU072953, COI-HM542271    16S-EU072953, COI-HM542271  
Solaster stimpsoni         Verrill 1909               16S-DQ297113, COI-AF217382    16S-DQ297113, COI-AF217382